The more I speak with Christian- and post-Christian people, the clearer it becomes (1) that religious trauma is very real, (2) that many more people suffer from religious trauma than is often acknowledged, and (3) that those who have experienced religious trauma desperately want to talk about it with someone who is both safe and qualified.

Religious trauma can be defined as the lingering ill-effects of any type of spiritual abuse (whether physical or emotional). This can take many forms, from sexual abuse by a trusted spiritual leader to the chronic fear or shame brought on by certain religious teachings about guilt, hell, original sin, and so on.

One of the main frustrations I hear from religious trauma sufferers goes something like this: “I know I can’t stay in the church- or spiritual situation I am in, but I don’t want to throw the baby out with the bathwater and abandon the whole thing — I just have no idea how to move forward after what has happened.” The fact is that spirituality can take many forms, but many people have never explored the issue outside the confines of their past experience(s). Due to my own time spent in various expressions of spirituality (some more institutional and “churchy,” and some less so) I am uniquely capable of helping people find a spiritual path forward if they want one.

Conversely, I have clients who have suffered from spiritual abuse and have zero desire to continue down that path, and that is okay too. The most important thing is our own healing, but in order for that healing to happen we need to confront and process what has happened to us. And while it is not impossible to go through this on your own, it is much safer and more effective to do so with an experienced coach or mentor.

If you are curious to explore these issues further, please fill out the contact form below and we can begin a conversation about whether religious trauma coaching would be helpful for you.

***Anything discussed or disclosed in sessions is completely confidential.***