Should a Christian drink alcohol? Simple answer: What did Jesus do? I mean, this isn’t even what would Jesus do! There’s no speculation here. It’s simply “What Did Jesus Do?” He drank. He even drank enough to be accused of being a “wine-bibber,” which I believe is first century speak for “alcoholic.” He himself said, “The Son of Man came eating and drinking…” and in the context “drinking” refers to alcohol. On top of that, his first miracle was turning water into wine at a party. At a party. A party where people were drunk. And it was good wine, too!
Now, don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of reasons not to drink. Perhaps it’s an addiction for you. Perhaps your body doesn’t process alcohol well. Perhaps drinking makes you angry. All good reasons not to drink.
However, if you’re not drinking because it’s not the “Christian” thing to do or you’ve been led to believe it’s not “godly,” you’ve been misled by the teachings and traditions of men, not God. If your pastor or your church or your religious tradition somehow make you feel like drinking alcohol is not something you as a Christian should do, then your pastor, church, or tradition is just simply wrong, and probably legalistic. Sorry to break it to you.
Don’t drink if you don’t want to, but don’t avoid alcohol because you think it’s what god wants you to do. It’s not going to make you any godlier than Jesus.
Disclaimer: written by an agnostic.
(For a deeper discussion, see below.)
Christians who like to drink beer and wine, like to claim that God approves of social or moderate drinking of alcohol. Christians would not be drinking alcohol were it not for the intoxicating effect.
If God is for social or moderate drinking of alcohol, then who could be against it?
1. Why is alcohol not served in the nations Jr High and High Schools?
If God is for it then who could be against it.
2. Why is alcohol not served at all church dinners and other church functions?
If God is for it then who could be against it?
3. Why is alcohol not available in vending machines?
If God is for it then who could be against it.
4. If moderate drinking is harmless then why is alcohol not served in hospitals?
If God is for it then who could be against it?
5. Why do not Christians offer their heart surgeon a glass of wine before their surgery?
If God is for then who could be against it.
6. Why do race car drivers not have beer or two before the big race?
If God is for it who could be against it?
Those Christians who advocate social or moderate drinking of alcohol, claiming God approves, are involved in self deception. They are not fooling anyone else.
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Christians would not be drinking alcohol were it not for the intoxicating effect.
Steve, this is correct–wine gladdens the heart, as the psalmist says. But you say that like it’s a bad thing. As to why it’s not served in certain venues, that’s because it wouldn’t be prudent to introduce that gladness in places that require sobriety and clear judgment like hospitals, schools, and high speed racing. Neither would it be prudent to serve to children because adult beverages are for, well, adults–it’s a privilege to imbibe and kids have to earn it (which is a highly American thing to say, granted, but it’s fitting given our rather reckless society). So your point isn’t clear, unless you throw out these sorts of distinctions and go with a black and white set of categories with a healthy dose of hatred for substances, in which case, “Aye-men, brutha man!”