Women: Walking Vaginas? Or Something More?

1952-dont-worry-darling-you-didnt-burn-the-beerMany of you with a religious background will know that Genesis records the creation of Eve from Adam’s rib because Adam needed a “helpmeet” or counterpart with whom he could relate (up to that point there were just animals roaming around).

It is very easy for religious people to jump from the Genesis record to the idea that women only exist to make men’s lives easier, and have no distinct purpose of their own outside pleasing their husbands and bearing his children (a position that, as we discussed in episode #7 of Drunk Ex-Pastors, Mark Driscoll appears to hold).

Have any thoughts on this? If you’re a female, got any horror stories to share?

Have a listen here.


  1. AmberSeptember 18, 2014

    Thanks for taking my question! 😉 You guys are hilarious even my 17 yr old daughter loves listening to you guys! xo

  2. JasonSeptember 18, 2014

    Haha, thanks Amber, and Amber’s daughter!

  3. SerenaSeptember 18, 2014

    Jason, as a recent convert to Catholicism you need to see the Exorcist. It is not a horror film for us Catholics 😉

  4. JasonSeptember 18, 2014

    Haha, no way! Nope. Unh-uhh. . . .

  5. ZrimSeptember 20, 2014

    I watched “The Blair Witch Project” one night when the vrouw and kids were out of town, because I thought I had grown up and could handle the dark night alone after that. It was a beautiful sunrise though.

    “HOW DARE YOU!!!! WHO IN THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!” Ha-ha, kah-lassic.

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